HCA - High Court of Australia
HCA stands for High Court of Australia
Here you will find, what does HCA stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate High Court of Australia? High Court of Australia can be abbreviated as HCA What does HCA stand for? HCA stands for High Court of Australia. What does High Court of Australia mean? High court of australia is able to deal with cases which come to it on appeal or which begin in the High Court itself. It is the highest court in the Australian judicial system.
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Alternative definitions of HCA
- The High Court Of Australia
- Host Channel Adapter
- Hydroxy Citric Acid
- Hawthorne Christian Academy
- high content analysis
- HCA Holdings, Inc.
- Holy Cross Associates
View 164 other definitions of HCA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HPN High Point Networks
- HPA Hawker Pacific Asia
- HDCIDF Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival
- HBS Hunter Business School
- HFM Hertz Farm Management
- HRA Health Research Authority
- HSIT The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple
- HOI Hoag Orthopedic Institute
- HJK Harvey Jones Kitchens
- HWBCL Health Water Bottling Co. Ltd.
- HPPC Home Paramount Pest Control
- HRHS Howard Regional Health System
- HMNZ Homecare Medical New Zealand
- HDMB Hilton Diagonal Mar Barcelona
- HRC Honda Racing Corporation
- HSL Handiman Services Ltd
- HCHC Hillsdale Community Health Center
- HPP Homeless Prenatal Program